
Personal Projects


Personal Projects


365 Days / 365 Videos

365 Days / 365 Videos: For one year, between September 2012 and September 2013, I filmed one moment every day to create a collection of 365 videos that represented 365 of my days.  I then spent the following year editing this footage into monthly montages - each shot is equivalent to one day and all sound is original to the situation in which it was filmed.  The result is a series of collages, gathering up small mundane moments of my life into "monthly meditations".  

“We somehow came to know this character, persona, that is you, concocted through flashes of light and sound. Yet these collage portraits/landscapes speak to something more universal. They are constellations of images, atmospheres, that force the viewer to look back at themselves and the little moments of their day it is so easy to look over.”
— Tzintzun, Film Student


I have Couchsurfed all around Europe, gone snorkeling in the clear waters of Guadeloupe, backpacked across Morocco, circumnavigated the United States by train, and studied in both Mexico and England.  Traveling is a part of my life and sometimes it's hard to turn off the filmmaker side of myself, so the camera comes out and a short video is created from my adventures.


Social justice has always been a big part of my history. In the 1940s my grandfather helped steel workers organize to stand up for their rights and my grandmother traveled the country advocating for the abolition of the poll tax, which had been used to disenfranchise Black voters across the South. Both my parents were part of the anti-war movement during Vietnam and when the Iraq War started, I was a student at Allan Hancock College in California taking a film class and wondering how I could make a difference. I ended up interviewing students at different colleges in California to find out if I was alone in my pain and anger about my country entering yet another war; this instinct to channel my outrage into films has never left. I believe storytelling can create transformative change and always strive to create work that helps highlight untold stories and spur action towards equity and justice.